PureLiving China has helped pioneer indoor environmental testing in China. In just five years, it’s grown to service nearly 3,000 mostly commercial customers with testing for air and water contamination and other hazards, while providing remediation and HVAC filtration products and services. As it scaled its business to four locations in China, its silos of Zoho, Box and Excel couldn’t keep up. Those systems were not suitable for a fast-growing company, with no financial reporting and no centralized record.
PureLiving China
Environmental Consulting
Microsoft Dynamics, Sage, Salesforce.com, Pipedrive, Xero, QuickBooks
Zoho, Box, Excel
NetSuite, CRM, Inventory Management
“Our time savings are huge with NetSuite. We’re more efficient and visibility into real-time data gives management more confidence in making decisions.” Sarah Millard, PureLiving China COO