Pennside Partners has a distinguished 26-year track record as a leading business development consulting firm serving the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device sectors worldwide. Staffed by doctors, scientists and sales gurus in the U.S., U.K. and Switzerland, Pennside delivers actionable business insights to its clients. Yet the firm’s reliance on entry-level QuickBooks and Excel left it with little insight into its own business operations.
Pennside Partners
Wyomissing, Pa.
Alderley Edge, U.K.
Zurich, Switzerland
FinancialForce, Epicor, Tenrox, Projector, KeyedIn, Vorex, Changepoint
QuickBooks, Excel, SharePoint
NetSuite Professional Services
“The results we’ve achieved with NetSuite OpenAir have been phenomenal. We’ve gained amazing control over costs, and that’s been huge in increasing our bottom-line profitability.” Pennside Partners