Munchbox supplies a range of healthy snacks to large retail, corporate and hospitality businesses across the United Arab Emirates, as well as to customers in the US, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman and Bahrain. In just five years, it's grown to manufacture around 20 tonnes a week of gluten-free, sugar free snacks which it distributes via its ecommerce platform and through 900 retailers.
Healthy Snacks Food Manufacturing LLC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5 (United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, US)
NetSuite Light Manufacturing module
Lot Traceability module
Dubai, UAE
“We wanted technology to grow with us, allowing us to automate things and learn new processes. Like our snacks, NetSuite was a natural pick-me-up for our business.” Radhika Sil, Head of Operations, Munchbox