The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank has been serving the hungry in 11 parishes across the state of Louisiana for more than 30 years, offering both food and educational outreach to the community. Of roughly 200 food banks across the nation, it’s just one of a handful of food banks that doesn’t charge its 115 member agencies for the food it gives out. The organisation relies mainly on community donations and grants for funding.
Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank
Baton Rouge, La.
Nonprofit, Food & Beverage, Wholesale/Distribution
$4 million cash budget
Microsoft Dynamics Navision
QuickBooks, Salesforce Fundraising
“We have a responsibility to our donors to spend their money as wisely as possible. With NetSuite, we can look at different revenue streams and make sure we properly budget. We can look for places to be more efficient.” Jenna Schexnayder, CFO, Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank