Founded in 2015, BoCo has spent years developing bone conduction techology, a method of conducting sound to the inner ear through the bones of the skull. It offers “earsopen®,” a high quality hearing aid that is the world’s smallest power-saving bone conduction device. It is now developing machinery for mass production with an eye towards expansion to the global market.
BoCo Inc.
Ishin Building, 6F, 2-11-7 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028
JPY 1,217,500,000
Manual, Spreadsheets
“We are hoping to enrich quality of life not only for those people with auditory disorder now, but also those people at risk of hearing loss around the globe by delivering sound that does not require the tympanic membrane (eardrum).” Hataaki Sha, CEO, BoCo Inc.